One of my friends asked for this recipe so I thought I would post it here as well.
Wheat Blender Pancakes are one of our breakfast favorites! I have a
VitaMix blender, but a
BlendTec is also a good choice if you are in the market for a new blender. You can use a regular counter-top blender, but it is best to soak the wheat in the milk overnight in the refrigerator.
Wheat Blender PancakesThis recipe makes 16-18 pancakes.- 1 cup whole wheat (not flour-wheat kernels-see photo at end of post)
- 3/4 cup milk (we use raw goat milk since that is what we have)
Soak the wheat and the milk overnight if you don't have a heavy-duty blender.
Then add:
- 1/4 cup oil
- 2 eggs (we use duck eggs)
- 3 Tbl honey or sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
Blend until smooth then add:- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
You can add the baking powder and baking soda with the rest of the wet ingredients, but sometimes it takes a bit longer to grind the wheat and then the baking powder and baking soda aren't as effective. If the batter is too thick, add up to 1/4 cup more milk.
Cook on the griddle like you would cook buttermilk or regular pancakes.
If you aren't sure what wheat kernels look like, here is my jar. You can usually buy whole wheat at health food stores or in bulk at home storage stores. Our family prefers Hard White Wheat, however this recipe works just as well with Winter Wheat or Red Wheat.
If you are interested in an explanation of White Wheat and Red Wheat here is a great link:
This is a great post...thanks for sharing. I'm personally bias and use doctor grandma's mix 90% of the time when I make pancakes (you can find them at if you're interested;), but you made some great points and provided a nice looking recipe, so I thought that I'd try to contribute and give compliments where appropriate;)
That soaking the kernels note is right on! Thanks for getting the good word out;) Most blenders, unless it's super high quality like a blend tec blender, will not be able to blend the kernels well enough, so soaking them in the milk sounds awesome. I haven't tried soaking in milk yet, but have in water and it works well. I'd guess that soaking in milk will be even better because of the enzymes in the milk.
Ok...note number two...those "kernels" are found most easily by searching by the industry word which is "berries;" those wheat kernels are most commonly referred to as whole wheat berries. There are hundreds of types of berries out there. The one that I'd suggest is hard red spring wheat berries for their exceptional nutritional qualities.
Thanks again for the great post and I'll look forward to reading more of your posts in the future!
I usually use the term 'berries' but it confused someone so I used 'kernel' in this post.
Thanks for the comments!
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