My quote for the week. It is on the refrigerator. As we contemplate a 'cross country' move in the next 4-6 months, Vet2Be and I need to remember that although we love where we live, our Heavenly Father often lays out a path before us that is better than any we could have imagined. If He wants us 2000 miles away in another state, then we will trust in His judgment and follow the path he has laid out before us.
Oh my,
Are you serious ?
Are you really contemplating a move 200 miles away ?
Will Vet2Be still be able to work with animals ?
scary but wonderful to think about ?
Yes, we really are contemplating a 2000 mile move. Yes, Vet2Be will bring his 2 favorite goats, the huarizo (she looks like an alpaca), and our 'house' animals.
Hubby has been courting some contracts in the new state, so our income level would rise since the contracts are panning out. We would also be able to afford more land, and that means a nicer farm. The 4-H program in the new state is much stronger, too.
It really comes down to: if the new state is where Heavenly Father wants us, then that is where we will go. We have always found that the path he lays out for us is much better for us than any path would could have chosen ourselves.
Reading your blog shows me that you believe the same thing.
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