Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Pig-sitting and a New Cow!

 We're pig-sitting this week for our friends. We're not allowed to have pigs in our town, so we're not planning on getting any soon. 

We have an extra stall right now so Nacho is staying just for a few days while our friends go visit family.

She stays inside with her humans, but we have puppies and I don't think it would be a good idea to have Nacho inside with us.

Her owners brought her some blankets to put in the doghouse that we have inside the stall. She was all snuggled inside when I went out to see her. So cute!

Pigs are very smart so we have to make sure she stays inside the stall. If she manages to sneak out, I can catch her because she has a harness on. 

She gets food and water every morning and night. She likes to snuffle through the wood chips and see if there are any leftovers hiding.  She has been a very good pig so far. 

We also have a new cow. Does she look like Echo? We think she does. Her name is MissE. She is 4 years old and the daughter of Echo.

Right now we have 3 half-sister cows. Echo was the mother of Sadie and Stormy, too!

Sadie and Stormy don't look like Echo. However, they are both very sweet, gentle cows just like she was. MissE is very friendly, too.

I milked her this morning to see how much milk she had. It wasn't very much. She only had 3/4 gallon. I'll keep milking to see if I can get her to give a little more milk. That would be nice to have goat milk and cow milk.

And.... Puppies!

We bring them outside for a few minutes every day. The easiest way to get them outside is to bring them upstairs in a plastic tote.

Then we let them walk around and sniff all the new smells outside for about 10 minutes. Puppy recess time!

When we bring them back into their room, they are ready for a nap because outside is a lot of new sensations for them.

We love to help our friends and neighbors. It's one of our favorite things to do as a family. Last week our friend's little goat hurt his leg very badly. Sadly, there are no veterinarians that will help us take care of goats so we had to take care of his broken leg ourself.

Our neighbor cleaned the wound and wrapped the leg in gauze until we could get over to help. They have always been there to help when we needed help, too! Our neighbors are just like family!

We worked on his leg, and wrapped it back up. The next night it looked better, but still yucky.

We treat it with an antiseptic and some wound healing medicines.

The little goat's name is Gunner. He belongs to Sophie. Sophie wants to learn as much as she can about taking care of her hurt friend.

She can help by putting the medicine on his leg before it gets wrapped up again. 

We need to look at it every day until the skin is healed. 

Gunner's wound was very, very bad. Sophie learned how to fill up his shot of antibiotics. Her mom gives Gunner the shot, but Sophie is doing everything she can and learning as much as she can.

She is a very smart girl and loves her pet goats very much. She'll do anything she can to help them. Way to go Sophie!

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