Friday, April 1, 2022

No Calf Yet!

 Sad day! I was hoping that Sadie would have her calf on Monday. Echo always has her calves close to the due date.

She's sitting around a lot. I think she's feeling uncomfortable.
I talked to my friend who also has cows. She said that Brown Swiss cows don't usually deliver on their due date. They often have their calves late.

Cows can have their calves about 10 days early to 10 days late. If the cow is late, often it is a bull calf (boy) so we're hoping she is having a boy. 

She is also a 'springer.' A springer is a cow who is going to have her first calf. This is Sadie's first calf. Since she's never had a calf before, we really don't know how late she will go.

While we're waiting for Sadie to have her calf, we've been getting the garden ready for spring planting.

Our neighbors are, too!

Our neighbor came and dug up a lot of old manure.
Old manure is great garden food!

Their garden is huge! 
Those dark piles are the manure he dug out of our piles. He tilled in all that manure and his garden dirt looks beautiful now!

They like to try new things in their garden, just like we do!
This new tire will be filled with wood chips and dirt so they can grow sweet potatoes. 
That's a BIG tire!

Your teacher helped me plant seeds on Monday.
This type of gardening is called "Winter Sowing."

We planted the seeds and put them in jugs and containers. We leave the jugs and containers outside until they are ready to plant. The seeds will sprout when they are ready! It's so much easier than growing plants inside. I don't have room inside for starting that many plants, so this is a perfect way for us to start seeds.

I'm also starting some new grape vines.
Those sticks don't look like grape vines, yet.
Hopefully they will grow some roots in the next few months.
The ones on the left are Concord grapes for juice.
The sticks on the right are Pink Reliance grapes. They are just for eating, and are type of 'table grapes.'

They will stay in this spot for about 2 years. The ones that grow the best will be moved to a permanent spot where they will grow for many, many years.

I got my grape starts from some of these grape vines.
These vines are 40 years old. They belong to a neighbor around the corner.
He is a grape expert and showed many neighbors how to prune and take care of their grapes.

I use old crib parts as trellis' in my garden beds.
I planted a lot of peas on Monday.
The peas will grow up the crib side and make it easy for me to pick.

I also dug up the dirt in another garden spot so the soil will be looser.
I'll plant some melons in this spot.
It has been nice to be working outside again.

Even Stinky, our 21 year old cat has been outside enjoying the warmer weather!

I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break! 

Hopefully Sadie will have her calf and you can see photos of it the next time you see Farm Friday.

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