Friday, March 4, 2022

New Shovel!

 That's a funny title! Who gets excited about a new shovel?


It's a gold colored manure shovel! 
I thought it would be funny to use a gold shovel to pick up cow poop.

I'm so excited because it is much nicer than my other plastic manure shovels. I think this one will last a long time. You might want to get one if you have horses or cows. (Forever Fork)

I use a pitch fork for picking up frozen piles of manure.
I broke a few other plastic manure shovels when I was picking up the small pieces of manure.
This one seems just as strong, but its also a little bit flexible so it shouldn't break for a very long time.

It sounds gross to us, but the chickens love to scratch through the manure to see if there are any pieces of grain inside. That's how some of the manure turns into small pieces that I can't pick up with the metal pitchfork.

Last year I got a new wheelbarrow.
I pick up manure from the stalls and the fields everyday.
It's really helpful to have good tools to work with since they are used so often.

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What does it look like the animals are snacking on?

If you think they are snacking on old Christmas trees, you are right!

Our neighbor sells Christmas trees every year. He brings them over here for our animals to snack on. They love their very late Christmas tree treats. The pine trees are good for the animals, too. It helps keep them healthy.

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The other chickens saw the hurt chicken. They were picking on her.
She couldn't run away to someplace safe, so I put her in a dog crate where she could have
food and water. 
She's still getting better. I think she'll be fine, but it may take a few weeks.

I'll answer a few more questions next week. I'll show you a project that I worked on that I thought was so BIG. It turned out that it wasn't as big as I thought. 

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