Friday, January 28, 2022

Answering Questions

 Thanks so much for all your questions. It's getting easier to read your handwriting. You must be working hard on writing more clearly.

I think the same thing!
Boo Yah! for farms, and for good handwriting!

Yes, we cook the eggs that we gather on the farm.
Sometimes we eat them, and sometimes the dogs get to eat them.

I save the broken and frozen eggs for the dogs.

The dogs got eggs for breakfast today.

This is almost all the eggs I collected for the last two days.
Do you see the specked eggs in the middle of the bottom row?
Those are turkey eggs.

Good dogs! Mishka and JJ are learning how to wait until I call them to come into the barn.
They definitely deserve some yummy eggs for breakfast.


Grayci is almost 6 months old. She just started laying eggs.
We like turkey eggs, and chicken eggs, and duck eggs.
Thanks, Grayci!

We got those animals one at a time.

My friend sold me Echo. Echo has had a few calves. Sadie is the last calf she had. Now Sadie is going to have her own calf!

River was born April 9, 2016.
If you want to see more about River when she was born, you can look at this link.

There were so many more good questions! I'll answer more next week.

Have a great week!

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