Friday, January 11, 2019


Thank you for your questions! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas vacation. We did!

Yes, I have to work every day.
If I can't do the work, I have to find someone else who will do my work.
The animals on the farm depend on me to give them food and water every day. You depend on your parents to make sure you have food and water every day. If your parents go out of town for a few days, they make sure that someone else takes care of you.

This is a good question!
I go out twice a day to feed and water the animals.
In the morning I feed and water, AND I do all the milking. In the evening I make sure everyone has hay and their water buckets are full of water. It's important in the winter that the animals have enough food and water at night or they can't keep warm. If they don't keep warm, they can get sick.

We live in the middle of a busy city. We don't have many wild animals.
Some of our neighbors have raccoons and foxes in their yard, but our animals have been safe from the wild animals.
One of the other chores I do at night is to lock the chickens into their coop. Raccoons and foxes can't open the coop and kill the chickens at night. Sometimes chickens aren't in their coop. I have to gather them up and put them in their coop so they will be safe. Sometimes they are mad at me for locking them up!

Chickens don't know that I'm keeping them safe by locking them up while they are sleeping.

We don't have any plans to get pigs on our farm.
I would love to get pigs, but it's against the law in our town.

We have 3 cows.
Only 1 cow gives milk.
MissE is almost 5 months old.

She is so cute and friendly!
Another family loves her, too.
They already paid for her, but she will live her until Spring when the other
family has enough pasture for her to move.

Here's Chuck telling me good morning.
He's very friendly, too!
He's almost about a year old.

You remember Echo.
She is the cow that gives milk every morning.
She gives 4 gallons of milk every day!
We are kind to all our animals. We want our animals to be friendly and easy to work with. I do most of the work every day, all by myself. It's not safe for me to work alone with mean animals, so I make sure we have gentle animals on our farm.

I hope you make it a great week full of learning and growing and playing!

And I hope you remember that.....
Who did you help today?

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