Thursday, October 22, 2015

Photos from the Farm * 22 October 2015

Welcome back from Fall Break!

I hope you had a nice vacation. I was out of town for Fall Break.

When we go out of town we have someone come take care of all the animals. It's a lot of work for one person to do by themselves. This time I was gone, but Matt was home to take care of the farm. He is used to the work so he did a great job and all the animals were well taken care of.

These bucks (daddy goats) are healthy and strong!
It's fall and they love to get dirty and smelly.
We don't give them a bath because it's not warm enough for them to dry off quickly.

Look how big the baby turkeys have gotten! 
Their wings have gotten so strong that they can fly over the stall door,
even though I cut their wing feathers.

They are big enough to be outside with all the other animals,
and they are smart enough to stay out of the big water barrels.
These turkeys have the same mother and the same father.
Do they look the same or different from each other?
Do they look like their parents?
*     *     *     *     *     *

Thank you for sending me questions. I like to answer questions about our farm and many of you had good questions.

We have one sheep, his name is Stew.
Sometimes Stew sneaks into the barn and hides.
He isn't very good at hiding, is he?
He isn't like most sheep, he's very friendly and loves to get attention.

No, our cows don't give milk.
Remi will never give milk because he is a boy cow, that's called a steer.
Echo will give milk when she has a calf (a baby cow) in March.

Remi is the dark cow, Echo is the light colored cow.
No, we don't have a horse. Our neighbor has a horse.
Horses are very expensive and they eat a lot of food.
I will take a picture of the neighbor's horse the next time I see her out grazing.

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Do you remember Apple Day? I do!

One of your teachers took great photos! I don't have room to post all of them, but I have room to post four of them.

I hope you can find yourself in one of the pictures.

I had a wonderful time visiting you, and bringing a little bit of the farm to your school.

Remember to send my your ideas to name the turkey. I'll pick my 5 favorites and let the First Grade vote!

Have a great week and enjoy the beautiful fall weather. This is my favorite time of the year!

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