Friday, June 19, 2015

Girls Camp

I went to Girls Camp last week so last week and the week before were filled with so many activities in preparation, and then 4 days in the mountains.

We had a great time! I'd love to take my family back to camp at the same location. I loved the rough cabins. They kept everyone dry, which would have been difficult with the amount of rain we had, and they were roomy enough for all the girls to stay in one.

I also loved having a 'cook shack.' It was a bigger cabin that included a professional griddle. There was no power, which is always fun for me, too.

This is what we saw from the front door of the 'cook shack' where the kitchen is. The leaders slept on the second floor of the cook shack.

The girls slept in this cabin. There were 18 of them at the beginning of the week. Work and other commitments left us with 10 by the last day.

We took a 5 mile hike one day. 

It was beautiful!

The clouds were a preview to the next few days full of rain.
Despite the rain, the girls and leaders were cheerful and we didn't hear any complaints from the leaders or the girls.

One of the leaders commented to the girls that when people say that the world is overpopulated they should think of our hike and how much space there really is in the world.
Is the world overpopulated? Check out this link.

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