Saturday, June 6, 2015

Fixing the Sprinklers

No fun!

Our sprinkler system is about 25 years old and is in need of some repair. It took Bryon 3 evenings after work, and most of the day last Saturday to get it all fixed.

Just in time for the warmer weather that hit this past week.

Of course Quin had to help Papa and Matt. Notice the little tractor he's got his hand on? He almost always has a tractor when he's outside helping.

All done! I love the new spigot to water the flower beds more easily.
It's out of the way of the sprinkler so it's easy to turn on and off without getting wet.
None of the flower beds have sprinkler system installed. One day we may have the money to rip the whole system out and start again, but definitely not this year!

For now, we'll continue to water the flowers by hand. And be grateful for all the rain we've had this spring!

It took about 5 hours of weeding.....

to get the weeds out of this bed.
I don't like weeding, but I didn't mind this year because we were so thankful for the rain!

Even the Peonies look nice this year!
These Peonies look like ordinary ones to everyone else, but they came from Bryon's grandmother's flower garden. We are the last ones in the family to still have any.
They bring back happy memories of her farm every spring when we see them.
I was recently told that it's possible to grow peonies from seed, so I'll be saving the seeds this year and giving that a try.

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