Thursday, April 16, 2015

Photos from the Farm #29

Welcome back!

I hope you had a wonderful Spring Break!

We have a new animal on the farm!

I knew you would be excited.

I'll let you know about the new animal in a minute.

First I want to show you what the mountains look like! They look different than they did on Monday because of the big storm we had.

We had snow! It was so cold that the animal's water froze. It was so windy that we have a few repairs to make to the barn. We are very lucky, none of our trees were blown down. Our neighbors had some very big trees come down! Many friends and neighbors have to repair their roofs because shingles blew off in the storm. Other people have to repair and rebuild fences because of the wind. 

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When we have extra goat milk I bring it out to the chickens in the morning.
It's one of their favorite treats.
As soon as the other chickens realize that there is a treat, they all come running!
Milk is good for chickens. It has calcium and protein. Both of those things help chickens make eggs.

I spy with my little eye.....
a duck egg on the barn road!
Silly ducks! Sometimes they lay their eggs in strange places.

I spy with my little eye.....
a nest with duck eggs!
Can you see it?

This is a better place for a nest of eggs!
It's protected and not out in the open like on the barn road.

 *     *     *     *     *     *

And now for the new animal!

We have a new baby goat!
His name is Harry.

Annie had three kids on Easter Sunday.
We were very sad that two died.
All three were so big that they were tangled up inside Annie.
But Harry lived! He's so cute! And he's so sweet and friendly!
He will live here for about 8 weeks and then go to his new home.
His new owners have been waiting for a buck just like Harry for a long time!
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Are you working on your graph?
I have more egg counts for you!

  • Friday, April 3 I collected 4 brown eggs, 5 green eggs, and 3 duck eggs.
  • Saturday, April 4 I collected 4 brown eggs, 4 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Sunday, April 5 I collected 6 brown eggs, 4 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Monday, April 6 I collected 5 brown eggs, 5 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Tuesday, April 7 I collected 3 brown eggs, 4 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Wednesday, April 8 I collected 7 brown eggs, 3 green eggs, and 1 duck egg.
  • Thursday, April 9 I collected 2 brown eggs, 3 green eggs, and 0 duck eggs.
  • Friday, April 10 I collected 4 brown eggs, 4 green eggs, and 1 duck egg.
  • Saturday, April 11 I collected 2 brown eggs, 3 green eggs, and 1 duck egg.
  • Sunday, April 12 I collected 5 brown eggs, 6 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Monday, April 13 I collected 3 brown eggs, 3 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
  • Tuesday, April 14 I collected 1 brown egg, 6 green eggs, and 1 duck egg. (This was the day of the wind storm.
  • Wednesday, April 15 I collected 8 brown eggs, 3 green eggs, and 1 duck egg. (This was the day of the big snow storm.
  • Thursday, April 16 I collected 1 brown egg, 0 green eggs, and 2 duck eggs.
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Do you know there are only a few more "Farm Fridays" left before the end of school! 

I'll post during the summer so if you can check in and see how the garden is growing and how the animals are doing.

I hope you have a great week!

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