Thursday, April 30, 2015

Photos from the Farm #30

Welcome back!

Do you want to see a few more photos of Harry?

We love him! He is such a sweet goat kid! He's so friendly and very soft. Often our goat kids are shy and we have to catch them to pet them. Not Harry! He comes right up to us.

He often sits on my lap while I'm milking Annie, his mom. I wish I could get a picture of that! I'm not very good at taking selfies while I'm milking.

Here's Harry! Did you notice he has a collar on now?
He is almost 4 weeks old.

Misty is on the left, Harry is in the middle, and Annie is on the right.

The mama goats don't mind letting Harry have a treat.

Goat kids love to climb and play, just like you!

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We had a visitor earlier this week. This is a turkey hen. I don't know who she belongs to.
We saw her on Sunday, by Monday afternoon she had gone home.

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I found one of the nests the ducks made! I found 3 eggs!
They decided that since I found their nest, they would hide their eggs again.
I found another nest in the garden under the raspberries.
They didn't lay under the raspberries very long.
It's like an Easter Egg hunt every day!

Last week I showed you a graph of how many eggs I collected over almost 6 weeks. I thought you might like to know how much all those eggs cost us.

We collected 348 eggs.
There are 12 eggs in each dozen.
348 ÷ 12 = 29 dozen eggs.

A 50 pound bag of food costs about $16. The chickens and ducks ate 2 1/2 bags of food during the 6 weeks I was counting eggs.

$16 x 2.5 = $40

To find out how much each dozen eggs cost I divided $40 by 29 dozen.
$40 ÷ 29 dozen = $1.38 for each dozen eggs.

I'm not sure how much eggs cost in the store since we haven't bought eggs from the store for a long time!

We like our chickens, and we like fresh eggs a lot! They taste much better than eggs from the store. We also like that the chickens eat all the bugs in the pasture. We don't usually have many grasshoppers during the summer.

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I thought you might like to see the flowers that are starting to bud in the front yard.
It's spring and everything is growing!

Here is the flower bed by the front door.
Do you see the tall, fluffy, white flowers?
That is a rhubarb plant.
This afternoon I'll cut the stalks and bottle them in jars so we can make pie with it. Rhubarb is sour so the pie has a lot of sugar and berries in it to make it sweeter.

That's all for today.  Make it a great week!


  1. Thanks you for sharing dear Harry! I miss having goats. There is definitely nothing better than homegrown eggs!!
