Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tea Pot

My Grandma sent me this tea pot as a gift many years ago. It was new then. As far as I can count, it is about 20 years old or so. It sat on our kitchen stove for many years. Then it was moved to the woodstove where it sat filled with water for many more.

It has so much calcium deposited on the inside and I'm not sure if there will be a bottom left if I get all the calcium off.

I found a new tea pot at the thrift store for $2.  It looks bright and shiny on the woodstove. But I couldn't part with this one just yet.

I like the our home to look nice, but I'm not into the IKEA decorating style. Nor much of any other style. I love to have things around that remind me of people and places that I love.

So the old tea pot will stay for a while. Maybe for a few years, sitting on the kitchen table reminding me of Grandma and her love for me.

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