Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kid Sweaters

Not for two-legged kids, they are for the four-legged variety that will be born sometime in April.

Last year our friends who also have some goats, lost their only doeling because they didn't realize that she was hypothermic and they fed her before warming her. So sad! They did they everything they could to save her, but sometimes there is just nothing you can do.

I sent over some kid sweaters that I had made for our kid goats. We are with the does when they kid, then we dry and warm the kids with a blow dryer, then we put a little sweater on them for anywhere from two weeks to a month.

SB asked if she could pay me to make her some sweaters. I don't take pay for things like that because I don't want it to turn into a business. She brought me four balls of Lion Brand Wool-ease (my favorite yarn for this project) and I just finished the sweaters yesterday! Yay!

From 4 balls of yarn, I was able to knit four sweaters. You can see the leftover balls of yarn at the top. The one that is second from the left I used scraps from the other sweaters, stripes! I love stripes!

This is the belly-side. I could have knit each sweater with a single color--but I like knitting them with different colors. I think they look much cuter that way.

 Silly, I guess, but here they are all packaged up.
I guess I'm a little silly for knitting them with different colors on each sweater, and for packaging them up so they look like a gift. They are for goats, after all, not someones child!

We love our goaties, though! And so do our friends, so packaging them up just shows how much we care for the little critters.


  1. Love the sweaters, might try the pattern for my pup. You're a good mom!!! ps..love how they looked on your other post at http://welcomehomefarm-tj.blogspot.com/2009/09/sweaters-for-kid-goats.html

  2. Thanks :) They aren't fancy, but they sure do the job! Thanks for looking :)
